RTK for Precision Agriculture Kit
From: $8,162.00
This kit includes components required to establish a cost-effective RTK guidance setup for one tractor.
One of the GNSS receivers works as a local base station, which can be installed in a high position within the farm property, up to 8kms line-of-sight from where the tractor will be operating. The other GNSS receiver works as the rover unit, easily installed on the tractor via a triple magnetic mount. Using a magnetic mount provides more flexibility to the solution by allowing relocating the GNSS receiver to other tractors without complex mounting adaptations.
Cables and connectors necessary to continuously power the Emlid Reach RTK base station unit are available as optional accessories for this kit.
Additional requirements, not included in this kit:
– A compatible lightbar guidance app subscription, such as MachineryGuide, AgriBus-Navi, Efarmer and Agripilot, to be connected to the rover unit in the tractor via Bluetooth
– Custom mounting point for the GNSS receiver configured as a RTK base station